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About Inner Peace, Health, Healing & Wellness Associates

My Story, How It All Began...


I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which is commonly referred to as "The Suicide Disease" due to the severe pain it causes the sufferer.  I was wheelchair bound for 11 years, during which time I also experienced problems with my heart, and kidneys, I also had blood transfusions. I was dying slowly, and painfully.

 I went through the gamut of what main stream medical could provide. My health continued to decline, I refused to believe that there were no other options, I began researching other options, perhaps some that my doctors did not know about. During my research I had read that Germany was treating their RSD patients with great success, by putting them in a drug-induced coma for one month. Upon awakening patients reported to be free of pain and other symptoms. To some this method may seem extreme, or even scary. But, if you were to ask someone with RSD, or anyone living with unexplainable chronic pain-  it wouldn't sound like such an off the wall treatment. It would sound like a miracle.

Unfortunately, due to problems with my heart and kidneys- I was not a candidate for this type of therapy. 

Since I couldn't actually receive this therapy, I decided to get as close to it as possible. I began meditating daily, attempting to mimic the effects a coma would provide. I also started a massage therapy regimen, receiving therapy twice a week. I weaned myself off the many medications I was on.  I traveled far distances to Virginia Beach, A. R. E. to receive Colon Hydrotherapy, Acupressure, Reiki, Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD). I was taught self treatments like, Castor Oil Packs. I used many other Edgar Cayce Remedies, like Glyco packs, and the Violet Ray Appliance.

Slowly, I began seeing some improvement.  I continued with the therapies and self treatments with even more results as time went by. After some time I started learning about and receiving Energy Medicine treatments, and some more self-care routines. This is when I knew I was going to get better, that I was going to live. As with anything worth doing, it took some time- but, I began to get back some of my strength & was able to walk with Canadian Crutches. This was a HUGE success for someone who had spent the past eleven years in a wheelchair.

As I continued to regain my health, I realized the need for such holistic therapies/education in our area. I wanted people to know what ALL their options were, and what they could do themselves to get better. I wanted them to know (and still do) that there is hope.  And this is when the idea of Inner Peace was born. I went for formal training to achieve my credentials and certifications. I attended the Cayce-Reilly School in Virginia Beach for Colon Hydrotherapy, & Kinesiology. It was here that I also began my  certification training in Eden Energy Medicine, which I later completed in Phoenix, Az.  My training in Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy began in Brooklyn, NY with International Trainer Desiree DeSpong. and was completed here at Inner Peace, with advanced training in order to teach  the LET modality to other students. I continued my education with Certification in Cancer Massage. I earned a Bachelor's degree in Metaphysical Sciences, and am currently working on my Master's in the same field.

As a Mother of 5, and Grandmother of 10- I am blessed with a beautiful family and I feel honored to be doing the work that I do. I believe that given the right tools, the body can and will heal itself. I believe that my journey to health has enabled me to understand what disease does to a person- not only physically but emotionally, and spiritually. And it has lead me on my path to doing what I was born to do.

So that is my story, in a nutshell. I am proud of myself for how far I have come, and honored that I am able to share the experience with you.

Be Well,

Donna Will

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